So ....
I've been out of the blogging loop for faaar too long!! It's a sunday morning/ and i'm ready for a good vent. so here goes it.
I actually came on here to get my secret chocolate brownie recipe! Pretty stoked I actually blogged up a storm with that one- someone rummaged through my recipe draw and somehow that recipe seems to have disappeared... WHAA?! Sunday afternoon brownie treats -why today?! WHy NOW!!! but yes- stoked it was on here, I can rest in peace. has anyone tried it yet?? It's pretty much the most amazing thing in the whole wide world actually also. mhmm.
going to get my bake on whilst watching stick it, and reruns of coro.
So it's been aaaages! Whats been happening with mwa?
I got another dog he's freaken awesome! He's a black schipperke (google it they're KEEY-Ute!)
He's called Savi, pretty much amazing. TOo cute for words like a little black woolf:D heart.
Got a sweet pimping new chopper- photo above, Was meant to go out this wkend on it, but it's Freakn raining- so abort mission- hopefully soon tho haven't taken the phantom for a spin yet.
All in good time.
What else... I did hair /makeup/ wardrobe for a filmy thing- all top secret but will post that up next week when I'm officially aloud to talk about it!! Just watched a rough edit- i have a feeling it will blow your face off!
So yeap been working heaps- keeping buso.
Will be working for the wow awards under Michele Perry, doing hair and fun makeup and hopefully learning air brushing think that's in september/october! Fun Fun FUn! yeowsa.!
Learnt how to do woolen dread extensions the other day- that was quite fun, braiding and things- learning heaps!!!
It's super foggy outside whaa?! cold, cold,cold! yeah been abit fluish lately, not ideal- reckon everyones been abit out of the weather lately! not the go.
GOing to see glee the musical next month- pretty excited about that!! Yipeeee.
Kara Clam Lok said there was something on stuff the otherday- about a guy getting pulled over for speeding- and there was a cat (alive_) maranading in sauce and spices and stuff in the boot of his car?!! WHAT THE FARK!!! that is SO sick, makes me reeeally outraged to think ppl in nz are that fucked up. who would think that that was a reasonable senario?! who would want to eat a cat for crying out loud!! but yep anyhoo the cat was alive- and has now been rehomed.
insane thought- poor kitty lucky they found it in time- but jst on that note- this was 1 RANDOM guy- pulled over for speeding- usually wouldn't check the boot of the car in tht routine check- who else is doing shit like this?!! Hopefully noone- but gaa makes you think, ppl who are cruel to animals should be shot . makes me vom.
O yeah! I made a clip in weave the other day:D Real hair- custom dyed that badboy:D she's a beaut. can make them up and custom dye them at my work aswell, super fun! coz you can curl /wash/straighten them the whole 9 yards.
Learning chemical straightening on Tuesday, quite looking foward to that! get abit of training in that mhmm.
If you need a haircut come see me- 225 cuba st, wildilocks on cuba. 803 3239.
Not to sure what else to say- so I might leave it there! Abit boring sorrrreeeey= Just abit of a catch up- been super busy- but things are all good:) lots of exciting things coming up etc! Can't believe it's 1/2 way thru august already! Simply madness 4 months til xmas- wha?! it's an outraaage!! mmm noel fielding.
miss dom xox