2 years- well what have I done in 2 years.... I'm a fully qualified hairdresser now.-yay. that was a long exhaughsting exercise which I'm glad I'm on the other end of:) finished studying in November -7 years of hair/fashion without much income has been a test- but am working for myself now, freelancing and even though I'm still abit poorpus I feel like I'm living the dream!- My dream is to be a stylist- and love life- so I'm pursuing abit more styling work- and doing makeup/hair aswell which is fun:) And life is good:) Climbed a mountian yesterday=well jst mt Kaukau which is kind of a walking track- but it's something I've never done:) Have a new puppy- she's a 6 month old siberian husky called Vada E've and she's awsme:) full of beans! Mr Savaloy mr schipperke is awsme aswell:) mr busy!
This styling competition has kind of been taking over my life at the moment!! Mimco Dreamwarp Styling Competition!
If anyone out there actually reads this and hasn't voted- Please click like on the above website- my photo is the one that's at the top of this blog:)
Top 5 wins $1000AUD, and the winner who gets chosen from the top 5 helps style Mimco's next INTERNATIONAL campaign! Which is overseas somewhere awsme!!! That would be my dream job!!!I could die happy. Bit of a popularity contest which is quite daunting:S Fingers crossed- Voting closes the end of march I think! eek.
What else- Lots of weddings at the moment- starting to wind down- has been 2-4+most weekends since November which has been awsme:) SO thinking of my next venture!!
Will be heading to HongKong in a few months! I'm excited about that:) Have been to Malaysia, and the US and Auz but can't wait to travel abit more!!! Haven't really had a holiday since I started studying so I think a well deserved 5star break is going to be just the ticket!
The Thomas oliver's album release- 24th March at Bodega- that will be awsme! Those boys are busting out some good things!!!
Lydia Cole's just release her album too- it's ammazing so proud of her!!
The black seeds videoclip I worked on doing styling etc last month will be out in April-ish all going to plan so can't wait to see that!
Had an exciting shoot with photographer David James, Lauren Spring from Clyne and Tannia Lee from Most Wanted Vintage in Masterton/Gladstone a few weeks back- which will be released in the 3rd edition of Print Magazine in August!! Exciting:) styled/hair and makeup/concept. FUN!
Last week I did the hair and makeup for the Vectra Opera-vintage styled campaign posters shot at the Morrins in Thorndon- ammazing old house! Shot by Louise Hatton:)
Remix magazine shoot should be out this month actually- I did a 6 page spread- hair for a superhero inspired shoot- shot by Lou Hatton:) Can't wait to see!!!
Also shot for Cake magazine -with Lou Hatton, and Emma from Red11 and Anna White styled the shoot- I did hair and makeup- that should be out soon aswell!! YAY!
Been doing a few shoots with the lovely Phyo aswell- so that's been fun! Trying my hand in abit more photoshop aswell which has been good, keeping me out of trouble:)
I'll be 25 in 2 days! Yikes. hehe getting old - I feel like I'm starting to really get into life which is good:) Feel like I've missed out on lots of stuff being so super career focused straight out of highschool- don't get me wrong I prbly wouldn't change a thing- I love what I do- just feel like I'm ready for that plus something more now, feel like maybe life is passing me by!
1/4 life crisis who knows- but yeap priotiries are changing. Must be growing up!!! hehe
anyhoo- i must sleep now, I supose I will try to blog again sometime soon:) Hopefully not leave it for 2 years again:)
GOOD NIGHT! xx miss dom