Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Illuminate Paint Presents....Bloodbath - Halloween Special


SO this is a vid I did hair makeup and wardrobe for, had a great team working with me on this project-D dog you did good brother.

cha ching. hope you like!- pretty scary, should be a good event :D

miss dom xox

SO this is a vid I did hair makeup and wardrobe for, had a great team working with me on this project- I hope you likey:D
pretty scary -should be a reasonable event!

miss dom xox

Saturday, August 14, 2010


So ....

I've been out of the blogging loop for faaar too long!! It's a sunday morning/ and i'm ready for a good vent. so here goes it.

I actually came on here to get my secret chocolate brownie recipe! Pretty stoked I actually blogged up a storm with that one- someone rummaged through my recipe draw and somehow that recipe seems to have disappeared... WHAA?! Sunday afternoon brownie treats -why today?! WHy NOW!!! but yes- stoked it was on here, I can rest in peace. has anyone tried it yet?? It's pretty much the most amazing thing in the whole wide world actually also. mhmm.

going to get my bake on whilst watching stick it, and reruns of coro.

So it's been aaaages! Whats been happening with mwa?
I got another dog he's freaken awesome! He's a black schipperke (google it they're KEEY-Ute!)
He's called Savi, pretty much amazing. TOo cute for words like a little black woolf:D heart.
Got a sweet pimping new chopper- photo above, Was meant to go out this wkend on it, but it's Freakn raining- so abort mission- hopefully soon tho haven't taken the phantom for a spin yet.
All in good time.
What else... I did hair /makeup/ wardrobe for a filmy thing- all top secret but will post that up next week when I'm officially aloud to talk about it!! Just watched a rough edit- i have a feeling it will blow your face off!
So yeap been working heaps- keeping buso.
Will be working for the wow awards under Michele Perry, doing hair and fun makeup and hopefully learning air brushing think that's in september/october! Fun Fun FUn! yeowsa.!
Learnt how to do woolen dread extensions the other day- that was quite fun, braiding and things- learning heaps!!!
It's super foggy outside whaa?! cold, cold,cold! yeah been abit fluish lately, not ideal- reckon everyones been abit out of the weather lately! not the go.
GOing to see glee the musical next month- pretty excited about that!! Yipeeee.
Kara Clam Lok said there was something on stuff the otherday- about a guy getting pulled over for speeding- and there was a cat (alive_) maranading in sauce and spices and stuff in the boot of his car?!! WHAT THE FARK!!! that is SO sick, makes me reeeally outraged to think ppl in nz are that fucked up. who would think that that was a reasonable senario?! who would want to eat a cat for crying out loud!! but yep anyhoo the cat was alive- and has now been rehomed.
insane thought- poor kitty lucky they found it in time- but jst on that note- this was 1 RANDOM guy- pulled over for speeding- usually wouldn't check the boot of the car in tht routine check- who else is doing shit like this?!! Hopefully noone- but gaa makes you think, ppl who are cruel to animals should be shot . makes me vom.
O yeah! I made a clip in weave the other day:D Real hair- custom dyed that badboy:D she's a beaut. can make them up and custom dye them at my work aswell, super fun! coz you can curl /wash/straighten them the whole 9 yards.
Learning chemical straightening on Tuesday, quite looking foward to that! get abit of training in that mhmm.
If you need a haircut come see me- 225 cuba st, wildilocks on cuba. 803 3239.
Not to sure what else to say- so I might leave it there! Abit boring sorrrreeeey= Just abit of a catch up- been super busy- but things are all good:) lots of exciting things coming up etc! Can't believe it's 1/2 way thru august already! Simply madness 4 months til xmas- wha?! it's an outraaage!! mmm noel fielding.
miss dom xox

Monday, June 14, 2010


Holy moley- so you kids have got to try this- and especially if you don't cook- or have much time on your hands- best sneaky treat ever....
take advantage-

4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips
(optional) a small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.
Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.

EAT! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous). And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!

yeah- jst do it.

miss dom xxx

Jeff Buckley

Waking up with Jeff Buckley this morning, was not only a mezmorizing experience- but a truley inspirational one. His voice is like a combination of Pink Floyd and being in bed listening to the rain. It melts in your ears, like nothing I've experienced before. Listening to such powerful melodic hooks, after having being subdued to radio takes for so long, I feel like a piece of my soul has been given back to me. He's a one off ledgend, and truley there was and never will be anyone like him, from his music to mind- the way he conveyed his ideas about life, and living- were far beyond his years. The way he spoke was so deep and true.
I watched his 15th anniversary of GRACE dvd this morning and fell in love. Thanks Jeff- Your music will live on forever-rest in peace.

So I got my 1st library card yesterday! Somehow managed to be a tin bum and score a copy of twilight- what a page turner!!! I've already read 3 chapters- (i'm a super slow reader) But I can't put it down!!! Also got out 8 mega sweet cds- to update the ipod, ups to the Johnsonville Library for having Wilco and the Dave matthews band cds, about time I got rid of meatloaf and all the other crap my sister put on for me- sorry sis, but Rob Zombie was getting under my skin somewhat. Wasn't ideal driving music-was getting abit ragey.
Speaking of which rage against the machine isn't actually great for parallel parking- or concerntrating. !

Been abit sick over the weekend so I'm at home today, soooo cold!!! I'm going to rug up and watch tyra and read twilight- got to be done!! Made some sweet healthy muffins yesterday- should put the recipe up really it's a fav of mine- apple and boysenberry w musli sounds not that amazing- but lordy they are great news!!!

Quite keen to do a few more photoshoots- only doing 4 days a week at work at the moment, so have abit of time up my sleeve! Quite keen to do a jeff buckley inspired shoot after this am's episode!!

Mmm what to have for breaky... Still pretty into my corn on toast- thinking yes.

Miss Dom xxx

Sunday, June 13, 2010

CODY SIMPSON-The next Justin Bieber- freakn fanno.

So I think this kid is 12. Like actually this time. He's been named the new Justin Bieber= stink for him- he didn't have much time in the spotlight!!
This pip sqweak reighns from Australia, spotted on you-tube and made an instant star- claiming to be bigger than Justin Bieber- what's going to happen when he makes it to a Tennor!? Will they shunn him- I reckon Justin might almost be about there, he's being shoved into the corner-- Been abit of hating of this wee sprog- purley because he's claimed 'Not as good as Bieber,' I don't think he's really copying anyone just had a sweet break. Really don't know if I'd be keen to be famous for being like someone else... What do you have to say on this matter??
Hey the sun is shining= ideal. Might have to get amongst that!! Thought id' just get on here and give you some information to ponder over.
OOp cramp in the leg- better wade this out..
Miss Dom xxx

sucky in skirts!

SOOO- These sculpting skirts are Freakn amaaaaazing- Trinny and Suzannah have been raving about sucky in sculpting shorts, skirts and undies for god knows how long- they actually are my heroes- so I thought I'd try one of these badboys on for size.
So best bang for your buck brand - is Triumph, I purchased the skirt from Farmers for $39.99
best $40 I've ever spent!!! You can get undies- dresses and shorts aswell, there's other more expensive brands- but this one has been personally tried and tested by myself and my friend Jo who put me on to these- honestly if you don't have one - go get one now, they just put everything into place- literally, lipo for $40!! seriously I lost inches without having to hit the gym, winterwobblies- can bugger off in 2 secs. And you don't get undie lines- it's just like a curvey bod w no bolges- ideal!!! Just make your body look great- and clothes amazing.
Anyhoo- I'm not getting indorsed by triumph- haha just honestly get one they're fantastic!!

Pretty stoked to hear about the Cat drive- with the spca, selling all the cats- I think giving them away to good homes for free was a great idea- because people want them, just the $500 fee for a grumpy old moggy is just abit out of line!! So yeah- go the spca, great job with that, completely cleaned out the newtown shelter! Went the other day actually was going to get this CUTE puppy angus- but when I got there he'd been rehomed:( I wanted him really badly- but I'm happy he's gone to a home that's the main thing- very quick.

I hope Nicole wins top model!! She's really qwirky and cool- her hair's amazing, had abit of an off week last week so here's hopeing she gets back on the horse!!!

Went suit shopping today with my friend Charles- Farry's had a sweet suit sale on, he got a rad Paul Smith pinstripe suit- dapper. Went to Munn's to compare, honestly word to the wise- if you're after a suit- pay abit more and get one that feels nice and actually makes you feel great. Fits you well- and is comfortable. They're like shoes- they are an investment piece because you will wear them all the time!! So don't scrimpo. If you're going there to get one- talk to Anna or Robert- I use to work there, they know their sheeeit.

Works been awesome- my boss gave me Saturday off so was pretty stoked!!! Man white chocolate cheese cake from expressoholic- and the old one (now inigma) don't really wna support it, but yeah cheese cake- AMMMAzing. get into it. or don't coz the addiction may kick in.

Elston Gun are playing a gig this Saturday at Bodega from 9PM with the slurtones, they've got some new tunes I hear so you probably want to get amongst that idea.

Mac makeup is holding a seminar on the 23rd this month- at the Museum Hotel from 5.30-8.30 it's $120 to go but you get to redeem $100 of that on Mac Makeup- teaches makeup techniques and what not, may be just a ploy to buy their new range- but could be worth popping along to!

They held auditions for Glee the musical this wkend!! Was really keen to audition- but got abit too nervous- and couldn't think of anything to sing, so didn't end up doing it- but I'm super keen to go to it when it starts on September 23rd- think it's at the St james...?? Curious to know who'll they'll cast as Finn and Puck..! hotties.

Had the extreme shop the other day!! yikes- actually brought soo much clothes-! It's hard having pink hair- things either clash or just don't work- so end up wearing black alot- then freaking out coz ppl might think I'm an emo, gaa. Snot on.

What's with people stealing animals from Pet shops>!>?? Heard it on the news tonight- wtf?! Little ones that are worth a grand or so = I get it, but how shit is that?! Hope they are being nice to them- probly just re selling them, but one just just brought a bag in trying to smuggle one out- he got caught, but still a bag?! gaa.

O yeah- lame my car got towed the other day- literally got towd from taranaki to hopper street- didnt read the sign properly- oops.,but yeah bums..! But no sign with a number to actually ring to ask where my car it- friday night aswell- super crapS!

I have a new phone!! Same number- but yeah I probably don't have your number- so if you could text me- that'd be great:D I haven't deleted you if I text you back and ask who it is- just to claraify!! xx

Getting into reading abit more actually- use to be the slowest reader just because I hated it do much- but I'm starting to quite enjoy it!! We have a huge box of old school books in our garage- Nancy Drew, Trixie Beldon and all that jazz, and really old old ones aswell, just read Black Beauty's Son- happy ending- I get abit emo when sad senarios happen to horses, sounds abit lame- but was an ok book. Going to hopefully tackle some of the twilight ones at some stage.

Had a tasty burger from The Craftsman- they have $10 lunch burgers most days from 11-4 I think it is- and 2 for 1's on Thursdays= but they're only about $11- 12 on average anyway they have about 15 burger's to choose from- and a burger of the day aswell- pretty good!!! Onion rings- bloomen great news- plus they have connect four and guess who on hand!! Fun lunch date was had!

Anyhoo lets hope this weather calms the f down!- bloody outrage as of late!! Miss you Al-o-vera.
Actually nothing on TV tonight- what happened to Sunday night movies /Theatre...?~!
come on guys- sort it out!!!

Roger that.

Miss dom xxx

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Thomas Oliver Band - GOIN' HOME (Official Video)

The Thomas Oliver Band is STOKED to announce that "Goin' Home" has been officially selected in this year's Music Video Award category in the Soho Shorts Film Festival in London, as one of the top 30 music videos internationally! Up against Gorillaz and The Fray! Yeeeeeooooow!

Faaakkkn oats- Thomas just told me the sweetest news ever!!! I did hair and makeup for this vid so I'm stoked for these kids- bloomen fanno. This is the start of something big for these amazingly talented boys- you mark my words.

miss dom xxx

Monday, May 31, 2010


So for those of you that don't know, yesterday something pretty lame happened to me.
I needed to get out for some fresh air- and wanted to just bugger off and take some photos, so I went up the coast to Pukerua bay beach. Went for a stroll- took some photos, had a weird feeling about my bag being in my car- and thought oha nah it'll be ok, then came back to find my car had been broken into with a skrewdriver. They stole my handbag with my wallet in it, makeup cell phone, some glasses, had let my 2 front tyre's down, and had gotten into my boot and stolen my gorgeous custom longboard- above. So yeah pretty Fukn dark. Just letting everyone know- as my board cost my alot but it means a lot more to me than the money I paid for it, and if anyone see's some1 on a board like that please push them off it and kick their ass- I want it back!- It's partially designed by me and made w 1 off woods so is literally irreplaceable- and has custom for dom written underneath. I miss my pink panther so bad. Insurance is going to cover it all, but it just makes me so mad- they only thing worthwhile in my bag worth taking was $20 cash. The rest is not worth anything to them, so they prbly jst chucked it in a bush somewhere. I'm a strong believer in what goes around comes around tho- so they'll get damned to hell:)
But yep- my sister's sending me down a new phone 2mrw so she's awsme- will have the same number so will be back to normal soon:) If I haven't txtd you back- that's why I'm not snobbing you!!xx
So what else is happening..?? The new season of Glee starts this Friday!!!
Maniquill is having a party this friday also- pretty secret sqwirrell,
Tiddabadés and Fighting the Shakes are playing plus more to be announced, $5 on the door to cover expenses, BYO booze. Add it on facebook- coz the location will be sent out friday morn.
So.. What else- it's still raining?? yeah, whats the deal= not much of a summer now this?!!
Byo's seem to be the funtime of choice latley- that's been fun!
OOOO also, last night- went to 1 red dog- the Shawshank pizza best idea ever!!! Lambshank mean w pumpkin on a pizza!!! ammoizing- plus their fondoo and breads and dips pretty mean, chow- u lucked out, i was hungry and u didn't feed me.
Think that's about it- really just wanted to vent- about my lame begining to my week- and just warn everyone if they're going to Pukerua Bay Beach to not leave any valuables in your car- and not to go alone. Beautiful place other than that!
miss DOm xx

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Greyson Chance Singing Paparazzi

K so this Kid's freakn amazing= a friend just posted this on his Facebook- secretly wanted to own this kid, and share his amazingness with you:)

Bloody outstanding- Looks like Justin Bieber- sings like Lady Gaga... paradox if I ever saw one .

Long day at work today!! Dreads bloody galore- back is going to the pack. Tomorrow will be fun! I have an extreme makeover client- going from blond to dark brown and getting super long extensions- can't wait!!! Plus mel and cj are down so bugger off rain and coldness- it's party time!! Will stop typing now- can't actually feel my paws!

miss dom xxx

Sunday, May 23, 2010


So= I've been super slack with the whole blogging scene. Woops! I've been semi busy doing stuff.
Tidyied my room, and my sewing room today which was an actual effort. I've got another mountain of clothes to add to my selling volcano which is in the garage. I seem to just accumulate clothes- and find it quite hard to let go. I still think of things that I've sold or given away and think bums I wish I could find that/wear it again. Think I need to just do it... But I want a good home for my old clothes- and for people to love them as much as I once did, thinking I'm going to have to have another garage sale sometime sooN!!Getting rediculous.

So not sure where last week went!! Still getting use to working full time, and my week starting on a Tuesday and ending on a Sat- when it hits Weds the weeks almost over!!!

So I got up this morning= and thought i'd do some pilaties and get my groove on. I use to dance heaps when I was young and sprightly- it's weird how when we get older we stop doing most of the things we did when we were younger= almost get embarrassed by it,?? I dno, but yeah thought I better get into an exercise regime and just do it, it's Winter and I'm just getting into a working full time rutt. I'm sure I'm not the only one??

What else..?? I've been eating heaps of creamed corn on toast latley??! It's bloomen amazing, I haaated corn in a can when I was younger but now I can't get enough of the stuff!! Almost an obsession. It's strange I think when we're kids we don't like certain things and almost are afraid to try them again- but latley I've been getting into alot of things that I really couldn't stand as a kid= must be growing up!!

Even trying reading abit more- to be honest I never was a great reader- I couldn't concertrate on the lines, and always use to cheat and watch the movie when I was at school, I couldn't understand how people could read a whole book ?! Or find the time to read a chapter a night!?? But yeah- I mean there's defintly books I wouldn't pick up still, but I'm getting alot faster at reading- and am pretty stoked on that. I really did it, coz it makes me dream more. I don't think i've gone to sleep in ages and not dreamed at all. And my spelling- was never super bad- but I think with texting so much skipping out letters etc- it actually makes you a crap speller!

What else... I played pool in the weekend:) that was fun, would actually rather play pool then get super wasted ever weekend these days, don't have the staminar for it anymore! Was a quite weird feeling coming out of the pool hall onto Courtney place was really overwhelming! Swarms of really young wasted youths, in short skirts with stilletos- and justin bieber wanabes in plad shirts. Made me feel quite old!! The drunk girls in the corners- and people hoofing down kebabs, I'm sure we weren't that bad?!! probly were actually haha.

Last week for 20% off all hair services at work!! 803 3239 to book with me:)

Happy b'day Robyn!! Hope your having the best time in Auckland and learning heaps of makeup tricks etc

And to my friend- who probably won't even read this. But I don't care what you decide to do, I was only ever being a good friend by giving you my opinion and advice, that in the long run- you'll figure out was worth taking, or prove me and the rest of the world wrong- and I hope you do. But I still consider you a good friend and don't see why your decision should change that, anyway stop acting weird, it's not fair on anyone.

Miss Dom xox

Saturday, May 15, 2010

House Of The Rising Sun (acoustic cover)

Holy Fuck- And somehow Justin Bieber is front page news??? This kids' got talent - ammazing.

The Black Keys - Tighten Up

So - I've been abit pre - occupied this week! Worked a 12 day week- and finally that beast is over!!! Should really go out- but my flannel pj's are pretty much calling to me.

Just found this video clip- don't think it's super new but I hadn't seen it before and I liked it:) so I share.

Congrats to Caitlin on having her small person on May 9th!!

Happy 24th b'day Hayden, hope your well :)

So I've been super busy, I did the video clip last Sunday and Monday- for Tk ft Deach from smashproof- about 50 or so hair, makeup and fashion and was an extra in some of the club scenes- don't know if I was up to scratch with that haha quite a difficult task dancing with no music at times- without looking like a twat, was pretty full on- luckily I had my fantastical sidekick Suzette to help keep the sanity!!

Was pretty stoked with Tyra the other night pulling up that stupid bald botch Bianca- the one with the attitude. Came on set and complained about not liking her makeup and all she had to get done for her makeover was her eyebrows and she complained about that aswell!! So glad she almost got sent home because of it. Wish the stupid greasy haired tart from the shoot learnt a lesson from that- You are paid to sell a product as a model/ or an extra, when someone creates a look for you- if you say you don't like it or take out your hair on a shoot or set, not only is it disrespect and plagerisum, it's a waste of my time. It's insulting and if anyone ever came on my set and gave me an attitude, took out their hair, complained about their makeup- they would not be working again in Wellington let alone NZ, you defintly wouldn't last long. Your not paid to like your look!!!

Anyway pink hair is pretty fun!! :)

SHit I just found this- I defintly have mixed views-7 year olds dancing to single ladies wearing those outfits, growing up abit too fast, but then again dancing outfits have been skimpy for centuries and they actually dance freaken well. What are your views??

I watched abit much TV today-Nz series Resivoir Hill is pretty cool actually, it started as an internet series previously only avaliable on but now it's on Sundays at 12, it was quite a full on for 1 1/2 hours of viewing, heaps happened!! Hot Wellington born model turn actor, Tim Kano as the lead male slightly badboy character who drives around in a sweet old school station wagon and leather jacket- was secretly quite captivating!!!

Gossip girls always amazing. Likeing Hilliary duff on it actually (no more lizzy maguire) and Lady gaga was on there today aswell- quite eventfull.

Glee's coming back soon!! yeehooo. Can't wait. Hopefully singing sensation Nick Pitera will be on it, might not be til next season but I'm sure he'll get the part- heard he was going for it. Those of you who don't know who Nick Pitera is,... TOtal babe- and can sing Mariah carrey and boys to men- both parts , it's insanely aamazing. He's got heaps on you-tube.

Seamus, Blair and Sven are playing a sweet set from 8pm Weds 19th May at Southern Cross- so get down there and check it out, should be a good vibe.

Still have 20% off all hairdressing services incld dreads and extensions this month only so get on that boat!! Ammonia free colours, and special effects colours- seriously any colour you can think of- it can happen= the snozberrys taste like snozberrys!!! 8033239 , 225 cuba st next to the Itallian shop and Peoples coffee. It's also a shop:) Also in need of some models- Just give the salon a call if you want to put your name on the model register that would be super helpful! Just kinda need to be open to the services we need signed off.

Whats the go with the rain??! It's actually pissing down out there!! Not too fussed I dig the rain:)


Miss Dom xxx

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Right kids- a recipe for you all,

Here goes- this brownie will blow your face off, it's freakn ammazing. I was abit like willy wonka and his ever lasting gobstoper with this particular recipe, it's soo good I didn't want to share it, or make my friends podgey- but seems as I can't stop eating it, you can feel the indulgent rath of my wares right now... hehe YUMO!!!


Preheat your over to 160 degrees

175g butter

175g milk choc melts (plus another shit load of white chocolate melts- honestly if you double the amount I won't tell)

1 1/2 c caster sugar (don't use normal it will taste gritty)

4 eggs- (honestly i'f you only have 3 actually tastes better)

1/2 c flour

2 T cocoa powder

Vanilla essence

Righto- so bung your butter and milk choc melts in a microwave jug, put on for 2-3 mins, then stirr until it's all smooth and delish.

Add your caster sugar and eggs stirring in between each egg you add.

Sift your flour and cocoa powder together and stir into the wet mixture.

put a wee dash of vanilla essence in , then add white choc melts in to taste- 1/2 a pack will get the ball rolling, don't be shy!

lightly spray oil to grease a square cake tin, (don't use butter)

Pour mixture in- then bake for 1 hour sometimes a wee bit longer- on 160 degrees.

Let cool if you can haha, I ususally get to it when it's abit gooey can't resist!

Then if you want to dust with icing sugar that's always a nice touch!

Sold. You won't be dissapointed.

So I got my lashes done today- yeeoohooo I don't feel like a wee bald man anymore, I swear why was I blessed with NO lashes at all, it makes such a huge difference!!!

Still haven't decided what hair colour to go yet..? Any suggestions?? I quite like the chick below- trish's hair i'll post a pic- she's actually quite all the go- girl crush maybe haha. Well just on her hair sheesho!! Even makes green look pretty desireable, and she has cool shoes! luchkeee.

O yeah!! We totally got DOLLOP at work today!! My boss is amazing used it on my client today It honestly is my favourite product, I can use it on anyone!! It was designed for her husband- the lady who invented it, but it's the best most nourishing naturally great news product ever.
What else.... Its Thursday tomorrow already!! Whhaa?! I don't know where this week has gone!!
Anyway I need my beauty sleep desperatly, so that is all.
Miss dom xxx

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Exclusive TRISH - "Mannequin" Video Clip

I thought this chick Trish' 's hair was awsme, her music not fantastic, but all the same- dig her weave essay!

Old Gregg -This ones for Robyn

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tattoo socks

Tatoo socks! Knee high, thigh high- I just found a sweet webstore where you can purchase these badboys, I think they are pretty sweet, and want some!!

Gotan Project- I've got their 1st album and just got their 2nd! Really awesme, kind of cafe frenchy music- seductive, just good music!

Also got Paolo Nutini's latest album- 'Sunny side up.' as to the name- quite alot perkeyer than the 1st album, I didn't like it as much- but still pretty good:)

Skins- Freaken amazing, Honestly if you don't watch this programme, your so missing out- i'd recommend getting out all the seasons- next season starts next week I think!! Mondays' 9.30 c4, going to be a goodin!

What else is sweet- never mind the buzzcocks, you tube it, it's freakn halarious!! It's a gameshow- based on music, with famous people- Noel Fielding's on quite alot, (Dreamboat) honestly it's pants wetting good.

Mighty boosh- got out the 2nd series again, I didn't realise Naboo is actually Noel's brother!! He's so little!! But yep brothers. There's also a weird pilot movie called 'sweet' on the 2nd disk, About noel having an imaginary gf, who he get's pregnant, then whilst that's going on, he meets another girl and they start getting it on, then julian barrett tells the new bird noel's (pete sweet is his character) cheating on her, so she goes over there and finds him boning his imaginary gf poppy, who turns out not to be pregnant, then the new gf, runs off with the imaginary gf and noels heart broken, then realises Julian (stitch) is in love with him, and then they became lovers. SOO bizaar= but noels sexy so I kind of didn't mind.

Haha old gregg. gaa.

Anyhoo- that's all from me!
Made a sweet jacket today and met my new band, all cosha

miss dom xx

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Daily report

So... Trelise Cooper's seminar was super sweet- Really inspiring, her life sounds far too ammazing, she has a house in FRaNCE AND really great hair!! I think I want to be her. I'd totally recommend going to the other 2 seminars- at Tepapa, on the 6th and 9th!

I've been asked to do makeup/hair for an up and coming artist TK's new video shoot this weekend- 3 day shoot for his new single 'Mr Liar,' featuring Deach from Smashproof, so that should be fun!!! Will keep you posted when that comes out.

I'm meeting my new band members tomorrow, so that will be fun aswell- can't wait to get back into the gig scene etc, and hopefully do abit of recording before I'm 100.

Wen't back to being blonde yesterday- thinking I may go a marshmallow pinky colour, unsure = any suggestions?? I get bored easily...

Ladies night at Upper Hutt Pool on Sundays $2.50, from 7-9pm- and they open all the rides!! No dodgee little maori boys who recieved eyes for christmas perving at you, it's plesant and makes you feel like a kid again- the wave ride is actually pretty out of control. in a good way!

If your after eyelash extensions- go see my friend Jo Palmer
She's now moved to Clipjoint hair and beauty salon- low key salon in the hutt- but they are so freaken cheap and do great work! 280 High st, Lower Hutt (04) 569 7595, they do everything not just lash extensions- and they are reasonably priced, think it's about like 30bux for a spray tan!! I might get my lashes done again tomorrow aswell... Stupid season changing- not letting me wear mascara.

Has anyone seen Nowhere boy?? the john lennon movie?? Is it any good, I haven't heard much about it and so want to see it! And also Dear John- freakn Channing Tatum, what a dreamboat!! Buff and sensitive- In LOVE!!! I watched 'He's just not that into you' again last night with Fits, It's crazy how true this movie is- still kinda gives you false hope when they get it together in the end, but good movie. It's interesting seeing how guys think, but then it sort of makes you over analize things... hmmmm.

What else... any questions you might want answered??- I'm into researching, so let me know:)

Hope everyones all cosha! Miss you Alabama!! Come home asap.x

miss dom xxx

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hey Guys if your bored on a Sunday- and not too hungover- I fully suggest heading down to Tepapa- This Sunday the 2nd- Trelise Cooper is doing a seminar, Thursday 6th Doris de Pont is doing a seminar- and Sunday the 9th Alexandra Owen is carving it up.

I think if your into fashion- or are thinking about designing, these ladies are the ones in the thick of it and will inspire you. So come along!! Prices- and booking info is on the website below...

I learnt how to do wollen dreadlock extensions today- it was pretty sweet:)
We still have 20% off this month and next- all salon services, so get into it. Chemical free salon- and we specialise in special effect colours aswell- we have like 13 greens, and pretty much any other colour you can think ok. 803 3239 Wildilocks- 225 cuba street.
I'm off to watch season 2 of the Mighty boosh- AgaIN!, Can't wait for Kara to come back from Fielding.
Miss Dom xxx

Thursday, April 29, 2010


''We make all our products from pure natural ingredients of exceptionally high quality. Our flagship product is dollopTMthe all-natural hair styling pomade, made in New Zealand.''
So... DOLLOP!! Freaken ammazing,
best product ever. It's designed and made in NZ, from totally 100% natural ingredients. It smells like an absoloute dream, and in no way will it dry out your hair like alot of products on the market- (mostly super market products packed with silicone.)
It can be used on damp hair as an anti frizz agent, can pop it in and let it dry naturally, or b.dry, it can be used on dry hair after straigtening it adds emense shine, and you can also use it to add texture!!! You only need the tinyest amount it's actually the best investment. It is like a treatment/food for your hair.
You can purchase this awsme product from the about dollop website, for $30, plus $6.50 p +p, or from various salons in Wellington- there's a map on the site with stockists!
Honestly best investment ever- i've had mine for almost 2 years- used it on heaps of people and myself, and still have 1/3 of it left!! Greatest, most versitle product ever.
So many guys out there get a really dry scalp, this is from using crap shampoo/conditioner, and lathering up so much product and applying it to the scalp aswell as the ends.
Supermarket hair products like pastes, gels, and clays- are literally packed with silicone, which coats the hair and is super hard to get out once it's in, causing overwashing the hair and even baldness.
Supermarket shampoo is literally a ditergent -and is very harsh on the hair, If I want to remove colour at home I'll use it, it's literally like a colour remover- and very harsh on the scalp.
Conditioners- very heavy silicone based, pantene is one of the worst- that creamy consistancy, and the way it makes your hair feel after- silky and smoothe- it's totally superficial, it's actually coating each cutitle (outside layer of the hair) with silicone, and it makes it alot harder to colour, and creates a build up.
Products from salons or salon supply stores- although they may be abit more expensive- they are indeed actually 15 years ahead in technology than supermarket products. They are designed to fix the hair- dryness, colour fade, fine hair, coarse hair. You always do two shampoos- and it should never lather on the first wash.
If you have a dry or oily scalp, and feel you need to keep washing your hair to make it better, stop. and get some advise from a salon. You're literally making it worse. Anyway yes it's abit more expensive, but you don't need to use very much, literally a 10c piece amount of shampoo, ONLY applyed to the scalp, that is the part that is alive, and has oil or dryness. Repeat once again -this time it should lather. Then a 10c piece size amount of conditioner- MID lengths to ends, not the roots. This will get inside the cuticle and fix the hair that has been damaged. Rinse with a cooler rinse this will seal the cuticle.
Redken has an awesome range, they have products for all hair problems, and types.
It's so important to me, people come to me with flat hair and expect a colour and cut to make a huge difference, but when I tell them it's actually not your hair type- this is how it's become from using bad shampoo, and you can reverse the damage- they go away happy, and come back to me in 6-8 weeks, with literally new hair.
Anyway that's my gossipal for the day- better jet to work!! Lame about the rain!! LEast it's FRIDAY!!! yeeeooossaa!
miss dom xxx

Cadbury Advert - Cadbury Chocolate Charmer Ad (official version)

This is so sweet!! literally!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

DESIGN COMPETITION! and caramel marshmallow popcorn

Hey you lot,

I know personally as a designer there's not a shoot load of work out there, so thought if any of you budding young designers were bored, or wanted a wee project- this NZ based Jewelery design company is offering a sweet competition, and offers are endless if you win!!
Anyhoo here's the link-

Oooo and- just discovered probably my fav newest sneakey treat::

Caramel marshmallow popcorn- yeah it's actually as good as it sounds...

1/2 c brown sugar
50g butter
3T of maple syrup or golden syrup
10 or so marshmallows
vanilla essence if you want (secret ingredient)
Cooked popcorn - get that going whilst your making the sauce

So put the 1st 3 ingredients into a pot, stir constantly then add the mashys. Keep stirring until they've disolved and thickened it all up. Take off the heat and add a few drops of vanilla essence
and then put your poppy into it, stir that bad boy coating it all. then wholaaa- freakn delisho.
Happy treaties...

miss dom xxx

another great photographer

His work is super awesm- does alot of hair competition photography and just blows me away literally. check it.
I'm not feeling so good today- So i'm going to make a dress, and design some stuff to make me feel better. And not eat soo many fejoias. Man try to be healthy and this is what I get!! Reediickulous.
Also may be joining a new band- still under the radar, but for those of you that don't know- I'm also a drummer, been doing that for 15 years now, so yeah- this bands ready for gigs, recording- thanks to my sister for setting it up- might be a great new turning point for me!! Pretty excited. Was weird was actually thinking I probably should get back into a band- a few days ago, and now this - stoked.
Anyhoo I've blogged enough and it's ONly 10am.
Miss Dom xxx

Preloved Fashion Sale MAY 8TH- GREAT CAUSE!!!


Come along to this- it's a great cause, and I know how you alternative kids love your vintage gears!!!

Just when you thought it was all over for another year, we’re back with

After our huge and very successful sale in March, we had some really good clothes and accessories left over, so we decided to do another sale to squeeze a little more money out of Wellington’s thrifty dressers. We don’t want to miss a chance to support second chance education for women by donating to the New Horizons for Women Trust and ChangeMakers Refugee Forum.

So now we’re asking for your help, to publicise this extra event.

Below is the poster – also attached. Please forward this email to your network and put the poster up wherever you can.

And bring all your friends for another raid on our Preloved Fashions! This time, everything is $5 or less.

Many thanks.

Op Shoppers’ Heaven!

$5 or less

Hataitai Bowling Club
157 Hataitai Road, Hataitai
Buses 2, 5, 7, 14, 91
Saturday 8 May 2010
Doors open 10am to 1pm


Proceeds go to support second chance education for women

Miss dom xxx

Inspirational stuff -Check out her work, she's a good lass- work is ammoizing!! Great Wellington based photographer- inspires me:) Can capture the essence of greatness.

Kseniya Simonova- Sand artist, bloomen amazing. If you haven't seen this yet - you'll be so buzzed out.

Luke Chueh- Great fictional artist

Mark Ryden- Artist- his work is phenomenal.

Banksy- Great street artist

Thijs- Great wellington artist /Illustrator

Nick Pitera- This kid is ammazing- watch the whole thing- you'll be blown away, i've watched it heaps!!

Paolo Nutini- Absoloute sex- Talented young dish, timeless voice, blinken hot

Noel Fielding- Just a freakn babe really- same goes for Russell Brand- dreamboats, with impeccable taste in clothes, - was going to say impeccable taste and leave it at that - then remembered courtney love. wank.

Elston Gun- Great wellington band- Rock/Blues/Alternative- will be getting on it in the international scene soon-kings and queens inspired, bloody top notch

The Thomas Oliver band- 5 piece Blues/Rock/Country- Good down to earth guys- carving it up- Solid, tight band - bit of a ben harpery influence w the weissenborn slide gat

This blogs just about people and things that inspire me. I got asked this question the other day- where do I personally find inspiration??... I said everywhere.
It's actually hard not to be inspired living in such a sweet place like Wellington!! Looking out my window at work- there's a ton of people just walking past which are interesting to look at- People watching can actually be the best sport. I hope people don't think I'm a weirdo- I'm generally not checking you out I'm just fascinated by people- hair, clothes, wondering what job they do, where they are going. Bit bizarr really but people are so interesting to me.

Back to the question at hand- Everything inspires me- everyday people, shapes, architecture, friends, inspirational people- documentaries, travel, past experiences, music, colour, creative, hobbies, people, images, textures and sometimes just breathing in fresh air- feeling alive.

I think sometimes leaving your comforte zone for a time can be the greatest inspiration. Travelling to another place to smell new smells, taste new foods, meet new people and put yourself in unpredictable, sometimes quite confronting positions, can sometimes give you a new perspective on life. Then coming back to a place, called home, and realising how nothing has changed -like meeting up with an old friend, who you haven't seen for years- but is still exactly the same. I find stuff like that kind of inspiring.

Shit that was abit deep for a wednesday night- oh well, what are you going to do about it.

If anyone out there has something inspiring to tell me, i'd like to hear it:)

miss dom xx

Sunday, April 25, 2010


So... this blogging business seems like it could be the go. Not sure if anyone's actually reading it or not!
I just found this and thought it was pretty rad.

I was thinking, what are people's thoughts on clothing..?? I know people want awesome one off garments, that will individualise their look, for affordable prices, but what are people wanting at the moment.?? Is there anything that you want, but can't find?? Is it a shoe, is it a hand bag?? Do you even know what you want- but if you saw it, then you'd know?? Are their certain shops that people tell you, you have to shop in because they are cool?? Do you go there?? Have you been shunted in that direction by a magazine- celebrities and media to think you want a certain item?? Do you actually know what you like, or do you think you like it because other people do??
Would you rather wear something that suits your shape, or that just looks cool and other people like it??

I just wonder- looking back at fashions such as the 80s- from the shoulder pads, to the spiral perm- thinking you looked bloody marvellious in your calf length polkadot dress (sorry mum but classic example) because it was 'fashionable at the time.' how was it that a society conformed to look a certain way?? It's bloody amazing.

The thing is - some doosh bags think fashion is for idiots and people that do fashion are stupid- (i'd have to give them the middle finger for that one alone) But really the fashion industry has the strongest cult following in the world. They have something to offer that people want- and they know how to market in such a way, where if you go into any branded fashion store worldwide, their designs are accessable to everyone. And you think your being origional. They are always 10 steps ahead- already planning what your woredrobe will look like in 2012. And you don't even know it.

What are your thoughts on fashion?? What items/garments/accessories do you want to buy but can't seem to find anywhere??

What shops do you usually buy from.?? For customer research- I'm curious to know:)

You'd be helping me out greatly- I want to design things people will buy because they love it and need it- I want to know what colours you want, what annoys you about fashion at the moment and where I could put my collection so YOU will find it..!

Also- Why do guys get fashion so wrong!?? If there's a secret that they don't know and should know- listen up.....

CHICKS LIKE: Good shoes- If there aren't good shoes on those feet - I'm not going to look up- and it's probably not going to get better.

Sneans (sneakers and jeans) are NOT a fashion statement- they are just as bad as crocs. (short for a crock of shit!)

Satin Boxers- Chafing and manmade fibres- accident waiting to happen. Crotch pimples aren't a turn on.


MEN'S MUST HAVES: Good shoes- Plain colours can't go wrong.

A good pair of leather shoes- brown, black - slightly squared off with an elongated toe is the way to pull the birds.

Boots- worn over skinny jeans- are all the go, docs and military lace up leathers or pull on aviator style.

Interesting shoes are awesome if they look expensive you will feel great, if they look cheap- you'll be going home alone. Invest in things you wear all the time- plus if you wear bad shoes you'll get webbed feet- haha well maybe not but could lead to back problems and not getting laid.

A good pair of casual shoes- everyone own's chucks- 'tobe sneakers' are the newest sweet idea/ alternative to chucks at the moment- wellington based company High top sneakers in white/or black - the painted leather option are pretty rad. You can mix and match the soles- blue is on offer, and they also can prewear in your shoes for you- some people like the shoes better when they've been worn in abit- this is true- so if the shoe fits- sounds like a good plan.

Plain white and plain black t'shirt

Good pair of well fitted jeans ( Once you've spent time finding this item- you can't go wrong) Jeans are an investment piece- it's better to spend abit more on something that you wear all of the time- girls dig guys in jeans. Go for a darker wash- black, or abit more adventurous with a more distressed look.

Well fitted trousers/ well fitted suit if it applies to you.

Well fitted shirts- pastals are sweet, and rich colours or black/white.

Knitted jumpers, cardis, vests

Socks- Black- never wear white socks with black pants. When you sit down it's an actual disaster. Unless your MJ don't do it.

Stretch cotton boxer briefs- breatheable, and girls love the seeing waistband bit when guys bend over- weird but true. The satin boxer muffin top, not so much.

Glasses- Karen Walker mens glasses range is pretty sweet, You don't have to spend alot on glasses, but don't EVER wear those mother f+#n shit arse $2 shop numbers with the silver frames and Multicoloured lenses- unless your taking the piss, same goes for solja boys. The geek glasses are still all the go- and wayferas, john lennons. Either really round or more square.

Necklaces/ Rings - accessories are key.

Hats/beanies and Scarves, It's winter- they look good, do it.

Leather Jacket- Fitted, black, brown.

Trench coat- it's going to be big- mark my words same with belts.

A Bloody great haircut!! This really would be number one- but a well groomed man is in my good books. It doesn't matter if it's a head shave- get a professional to do it!! Get inspiration from celebs, runway fashion trends and their models, people you like with similar face shapes to you. It can totally upgrade and alter your look in 30minutes. wildilocks- 225 cuba street-or ph 803- 3239 ask for dom. I'll sort you out :)

The IN things: Double breasted, Military styles, Trench coats for men- belted knee length coat.
Low belts, Clashing combos, Prints-mixing prints, metalic/armour influence, High waisted pleated trousers (old men shouldn't do this) Boots, Great haircuts- the scifi fringe/undercut bowlcut-teddy boy cut is still big, neck gear-ties, cravats and crazy ties. Male broaches, skinny at the bottom bigger at the top slouch pants (skinny are still here to stay so don't fret) accessories/glasses, furr, leather, schoolboy shorts, paleness (thanks twilight) hair gel, shinny fabrics, classic styles, Stripes in various directions. THE MAN BAG -overnight/weekend bag- leather, ultimate accessory. This for me is a huge one- women have handbags- yeah they use makeup etc, but seriously they've got wallets and stuff, where do they put all their shit>!?

Sheesh that was abit of an outrageous novel!

Anyway would like to hear your thoughts....

Miss dom xx

The beginning

So... Here goes.
Blog- Just like on Ugly Betty, I thought I'd get my technology on, and take advantage or this dear diary falarva.
Luke Chueh= pic to the Right- ammazing artist. I heart him.

In the weekend, I talked to a friend of mine who got me thinking about getting back into designing and fashion. So.. last night I got reinspired to start thinking about it more... designed some stuff, and am going to put out a womenswear collection. Probably if that goes well- I'll get stuck into some menswear items- since it's a pretty untapped market.

So I went to Pete's emporium- got myself a sweet visual diary, too many button samples, some calico, new stationary (don't know what it is about stationary but it get's me hot under the collar) and some sweet fabrics, trims etc.
The fabric I got actually - which I may use in my collection- super bargin- $5 per meter, it's kind of a burnt out black velvet leopard print freaken sweet- can't wait to get stuck into that bad boy. yeehooo

For those of you who don't know, I'm a fashion graduate from Massey, and also a hairdresser.
I love both- and I'm getting more out of hair from having done fashion and vice-verser, I just got an awesome new job working fulltime for Wildilocks, a brand new salon on Cuba Street- and I love it. I also work for about-you makeup artistry doing the hair side of things, for weddings, events, photoshoots etc.
So this is just something to keep my head in the game.

Anyway I need to go and rescue a friend from a hairextension disaster. I hope she is ok...
PS: if you ever need extesions- come see me at Wildilocks- we specialise in dreads, vintage styling, extensions cuts, and chemical free colours. 20% off this month and next so yeah make it work. Seacrest out.

miss dom xx