SOOO- These sculpting skirts are Freakn amaaaaazing- Trinny and Suzannah have been raving about sucky in sculpting shorts, skirts and undies for god knows how long- they actually are my heroes- so I thought I'd try one of these badboys on for size.
So best bang for your buck brand - is Triumph, I purchased the skirt from Farmers for $39.99
best $40 I've ever spent!!! You can get undies- dresses and shorts aswell, there's other more expensive brands- but this one has been personally tried and tested by myself and my friend Jo who put me on to these- honestly if you don't have one - go get one now, they just put everything into place- literally, lipo for $40!! seriously I lost inches without having to hit the gym, winterwobblies- can bugger off in 2 secs. And you don't get undie lines- it's just like a curvey bod w no bolges- ideal!!! Just make your body look great- and clothes amazing.
Anyhoo- I'm not getting indorsed by triumph- haha just honestly get one they're fantastic!!
Pretty stoked to hear about the Cat drive- with the spca, selling all the cats- I think giving them away to good homes for free was a great idea- because people want them, just the $500 fee for a grumpy old moggy is just abit out of line!! So yeah- go the spca, great job with that, completely cleaned out the newtown shelter! Went the other day actually was going to get this CUTE puppy angus- but when I got there he'd been rehomed:( I wanted him really badly- but I'm happy he's gone to a home that's the main thing- very quick.
I hope Nicole wins top model!! She's really qwirky and cool- her hair's amazing, had abit of an off week last week so here's hopeing she gets back on the horse!!!
Went suit shopping today with my friend Charles- Farry's had a sweet suit sale on, he got a rad Paul Smith pinstripe suit- dapper. Went to Munn's to compare, honestly word to the wise- if you're after a suit- pay abit more and get one that feels nice and actually makes you feel great. Fits you well- and is comfortable. They're like shoes- they are an investment piece because you will wear them all the time!! So don't scrimpo. If you're going there to get one- talk to Anna or Robert- I use to work there, they know their sheeeit.
Works been awesome- my boss gave me Saturday off so was pretty stoked!!! Man white chocolate cheese cake from expressoholic- and the old one (now inigma) don't really wna support it, but yeah cheese cake- AMMMAzing. get into it. or don't coz the addiction may kick in.
Elston Gun are playing a gig this Saturday at Bodega from 9PM with the slurtones, they've got some new tunes I hear so you probably want to get amongst that idea.
Mac makeup is holding a seminar on the 23rd this month- at the Museum Hotel from 5.30-8.30 it's $120 to go but you get to redeem $100 of that on Mac Makeup- teaches makeup techniques and what not, may be just a ploy to buy their new range- but could be worth popping along to!
They held auditions for Glee the musical this wkend!! Was really keen to audition- but got abit too nervous- and couldn't think of anything to sing, so didn't end up doing it- but I'm super keen to go to it when it starts on September 23rd- think it's at the St james...?? Curious to know who'll they'll cast as Finn and Puck..! hotties.
Had the extreme shop the other day!! yikes- actually brought soo much clothes-! It's hard having pink hair- things either clash or just don't work- so end up wearing black alot- then freaking out coz ppl might think I'm an emo, gaa. Snot on.
What's with people stealing animals from Pet shops>!>?? Heard it on the news tonight- wtf?! Little ones that are worth a grand or so = I get it, but how shit is that?! Hope they are being nice to them- probly just re selling them, but one just just brought a bag in trying to smuggle one out- he got caught, but still a bag?! gaa.
O yeah- lame my car got towed the other day- literally got towd from taranaki to hopper street- didnt read the sign properly- oops.,but yeah bums..! But no sign with a number to actually ring to ask where my car it- friday night aswell- super crapS!
I have a new phone!! Same number- but yeah I probably don't have your number- so if you could text me- that'd be great:D I haven't deleted you if I text you back and ask who it is- just to claraify!! xx
Getting into reading abit more actually- use to be the slowest reader just because I hated it do much- but I'm starting to quite enjoy it!! We have a huge box of old school books in our garage- Nancy Drew, Trixie Beldon and all that jazz, and really old old ones aswell, just read Black Beauty's Son- happy ending- I get abit emo when sad senarios happen to horses, sounds abit lame- but was an ok book. Going to hopefully tackle some of the twilight ones at some stage.
Had a tasty burger from The Craftsman- they have $10 lunch burgers most days from 11-4 I think it is- and 2 for 1's on Thursdays= but they're only about $11- 12 on average anyway they have about 15 burger's to choose from- and a burger of the day aswell- pretty good!!! Onion rings- bloomen great news- plus they have connect four and guess who on hand!! Fun lunch date was had!
Anyhoo lets hope this weather calms the f down!- bloody outrage as of late!! Miss you Al-o-vera.
Actually nothing on TV tonight- what happened to Sunday night movies /Theatre...?~!
come on guys- sort it out!!!
Roger that.
Miss dom xxx