''We make all our products from pure natural ingredients of exceptionally high quality. Our flagship product is dollopTMthe all-natural hair styling pomade, made in New Zealand.''
So... DOLLOP!! Freaken ammazing,
best product ever. It's designed and made in NZ, from totally 100% natural ingredients. It smells like an absoloute dream, and in no way will it dry out your hair like alot of products on the market- (mostly super market products packed with silicone.)
It can be used on damp hair as an anti frizz agent, can pop it in and let it dry naturally, or b.dry, it can be used on dry hair after straigtening it adds emense shine, and you can also use it to add texture!!! You only need the tinyest amount it's actually the best investment. It is like a treatment/food for your hair.
You can purchase this awsme product from the about dollop website, for $30, plus $6.50 p +p, or from various salons in Wellington- there's a map on the site with stockists!
Honestly best investment ever- i've had mine for almost 2 years- used it on heaps of people and myself, and still have 1/3 of it left!! Greatest, most versitle product ever.
So many guys out there get a really dry scalp, this is from using crap shampoo/conditioner, and lathering up so much product and applying it to the scalp aswell as the ends.
Supermarket hair products like pastes, gels, and clays- are literally packed with silicone, which coats the hair and is super hard to get out once it's in, causing overwashing the hair and even baldness.
Supermarket shampoo is literally a ditergent -and is very harsh on the hair, If I want to remove colour at home I'll use it, it's literally like a colour remover- and very harsh on the scalp.
Conditioners- very heavy silicone based, pantene is one of the worst- that creamy consistancy, and the way it makes your hair feel after- silky and smoothe- it's totally superficial, it's actually coating each cutitle (outside layer of the hair) with silicone, and it makes it alot harder to colour, and creates a build up.
Products from salons or salon supply stores- although they may be abit more expensive- they are indeed actually 15 years ahead in technology than supermarket products. They are designed to fix the hair- dryness, colour fade, fine hair, coarse hair. You always do two shampoos- and it should never lather on the first wash.
If you have a dry or oily scalp, and feel you need to keep washing your hair to make it better, stop. and get some advise from a salon. You're literally making it worse. Anyway yes it's abit more expensive, but you don't need to use very much, literally a 10c piece amount of shampoo, ONLY applyed to the scalp, that is the part that is alive, and has oil or dryness. Repeat once again -this time it should lather. Then a 10c piece size amount of conditioner- MID lengths to ends, not the roots. This will get inside the cuticle and fix the hair that has been damaged. Rinse with a cooler rinse this will seal the cuticle.
It's so important to me, people come to me with flat hair and expect a colour and cut to make a huge difference, but when I tell them it's actually not your hair type- this is how it's become from using bad shampoo, and you can reverse the damage- they go away happy, and come back to me in 6-8 weeks, with literally new hair.
Anyway that's my gossipal for the day- better jet to work!! Lame about the rain!! LEast it's FRIDAY!!! yeeeooossaa!
miss dom xxx