Wednesday, April 28, 2010

DESIGN COMPETITION! and caramel marshmallow popcorn

Hey you lot,

I know personally as a designer there's not a shoot load of work out there, so thought if any of you budding young designers were bored, or wanted a wee project- this NZ based Jewelery design company is offering a sweet competition, and offers are endless if you win!!
Anyhoo here's the link-

Oooo and- just discovered probably my fav newest sneakey treat::

Caramel marshmallow popcorn- yeah it's actually as good as it sounds...

1/2 c brown sugar
50g butter
3T of maple syrup or golden syrup
10 or so marshmallows
vanilla essence if you want (secret ingredient)
Cooked popcorn - get that going whilst your making the sauce

So put the 1st 3 ingredients into a pot, stir constantly then add the mashys. Keep stirring until they've disolved and thickened it all up. Take off the heat and add a few drops of vanilla essence
and then put your poppy into it, stir that bad boy coating it all. then wholaaa- freakn delisho.
Happy treaties...

miss dom xxx

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