Kseniya Simonova- Sand artist, bloomen amazing. If you haven't seen this yet - you'll be so buzzed out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOhf3OvRXKg&feature=fvst
Luke Chueh- Great fictional artist
Mark Ryden- Artist- his work is phenomenal. http://markryden.com/
Banksy- Great street artist
Thijs- Great wellington artist /Illustrator http://thijsdekoning.blogspot.com/
Nick Pitera- This kid is ammazing- watch the whole thing- you'll be blown away, i've watched it heaps!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlRGidTBCPU
Paolo Nutini- Absoloute sex- Talented young dish, timeless voice, blinken hot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL8NGnvkpLE&feature=related
Noel Fielding- Just a freakn babe really- same goes for Russell Brand- dreamboats, with impeccable taste in clothes, - was going to say impeccable taste and leave it at that - then remembered courtney love. wank.
Elston Gun- Great wellington band- Rock/Blues/Alternative- will be getting on it in the international scene soon-kings and queens inspired, bloody top notch www.myspace.com/elstongun
The Thomas Oliver band- 5 piece Blues/Rock/Country- Good down to earth guys- carving it up- Solid, tight band - bit of a ben harpery influence w the weissenborn slide gat
This blogs just about people and things that inspire me. I got asked this question the other day- where do I personally find inspiration??... I said everywhere.
It's actually hard not to be inspired living in such a sweet place like Wellington!! Looking out my window at work- there's a ton of people just walking past which are interesting to look at- People watching can actually be the best sport. I hope people don't think I'm a weirdo- I'm generally not checking you out I'm just fascinated by people- hair, clothes, wondering what job they do, where they are going. Bit bizarr really but people are so interesting to me.
Back to the question at hand- Everything inspires me- everyday people, shapes, architecture, friends, inspirational people- documentaries, travel, past experiences, music, colour, creative, hobbies, people, images, textures and sometimes just breathing in fresh air- feeling alive.
I think sometimes leaving your comforte zone for a time can be the greatest inspiration. Travelling to another place to smell new smells, taste new foods, meet new people and put yourself in unpredictable, sometimes quite confronting positions, can sometimes give you a new perspective on life. Then coming back to a place, called home, and realising how nothing has changed -like meeting up with an old friend, who you haven't seen for years- but is still exactly the same. I find stuff like that kind of inspiring.
Shit that was abit deep for a wednesday night- oh well, what are you going to do about it.
If anyone out there has something inspiring to tell me, i'd like to hear it:)
miss dom xx
inspiration to me = is feeling excitment
ReplyDeletesometimes only lasts a few minutes, but most often speared on by a great song - great beat - dancey - great lyrics usally silly lyrics! a great start to your day
todays inspiration song = 'Hey' - Kap Bambino
Another inspiration to me - is knowing that one day i will come home!
oha miss u pumpkin!! that inspires me too:) gna listen to your song now -thanks for ur commento xxx