Tatoo socks! Knee high, thigh high- I just found a sweet webstore where you can purchase these badboys, I think they are pretty sweet, and want some!! http://www.etsy.com/shop/post?section_id=5065946
Gotan Project- I've got their 1st album and just got their 2nd! Really awesme, kind of cafe frenchy music- seductive, just good music!
Also got Paolo Nutini's latest album- 'Sunny side up.' as to the name- quite alot perkeyer than the 1st album, I didn't like it as much- but still pretty good:)
Skins- Freaken amazing, Honestly if you don't watch this programme, your so missing out- i'd recommend getting out all the seasons- next season starts next week I think!! Mondays' 9.30 c4, going to be a goodin!
What else is sweet- never mind the buzzcocks, you tube it, it's freakn halarious!! It's a gameshow- based on music, with famous people- Noel Fielding's on quite alot, (Dreamboat) honestly it's pants wetting good.
Mighty boosh- got out the 2nd series again, I didn't realise Naboo is actually Noel's brother!! He's so little!! But yep brothers. There's also a weird pilot movie called 'sweet' on the 2nd disk, About noel having an imaginary gf, who he get's pregnant, then whilst that's going on, he meets another girl and they start getting it on, then julian barrett tells the new bird noel's (pete sweet is his character) cheating on her, so she goes over there and finds him boning his imaginary gf poppy, who turns out not to be pregnant, then the new gf, runs off with the imaginary gf and noels heart broken, then realises Julian (stitch) is in love with him, and then they became lovers. SOO bizaar= but noels sexy so I kind of didn't mind.
Haha old gregg. gaa. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRWVJ3AeFAk
Anyhoo- that's all from me!
Made a sweet jacket today and met my new band, all cosha
miss dom xx
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